EFIAP Vydra Petr,

Přehled posledních úspěchů na salonech:

Srbsko - 4 April - International Exh. of art photographs - Miniature FIAP Gold Medal za fotografii "Luli Family - Dolls"

Anglie The 4th Great British Small Print Circuit -
Arddangosfa GBSPC Award za
fotografii "Luli Family - Dolls"

Anglie - The 4th Great British Small Print Circuit - Arddangosfa Judge Award - Jenifer Cox za fotografii "Luli Family - Carriages"

Anglie - The 4th Great British Small Print Circuit - Hoylake
HM (čestné uznání) za fotografii "Luli Family - Dolls"

Circuit Salon
salon "PORTRAIT 2012 - ZAJECAR" - Gold SALON medal,
salon "PORTRAIT 2012 - PARACIN" - UPI medal,
salon "PORTRAIT 2012 - ALEKSINAC" - Gold ISF medal


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